Life in a Nursing Home

The time comes in many peoples lives when they are no longer able to manage on their own. As we get older some of us find ourselves faced with restrictive living. In many cases the family can provide care and assistance on their own for their loved ones. But for reasons such as complicated medical conditions or lack of family resources this does not always hold true. So the best alternative often times is placement into a nursing home for care.

Although nursing homes go to great strides to create an atmosphere of love and activities for the well being of their residents. Once an individual had a house of their own with a car in the driveway and flowers to prune. Now must be content with a bed and a chest of drawers in a room they may share with another.

Jesus Christ gives hope for the future. We of Serenity know this from our own walk with God; the great joy and contentment that that hope can bring. It is our goal to share that hope through prayer, well-known traditional hymns and inspirational poems. That God will work to make that hope real in their hearts.